Free Quick Coaching Session

Let’s understand more about your goals or a current challenge you’re facing. We learn more about you and you get some free coaching and direction from us even if you choose not to work with us.

We offer this 45-minute call to get acquainted and test the waters to see if we’re a good fit for you. There’s no pressure to commit to anything.

One-on-One Coaching

  • With this service you set the pace and commitment level for our work together.

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Individual Coaching Sessions

This service is best when you have a general idea of what you are looking for help with. You set the pace and commitment level. Our three focused outcomes for each session are:

  • Clarity. You either have a better understanding of what’s holding you back or what the right next steps are for you.

  • Confidence. The power of positivity is real. We’re going to amplify your strengths in the process and gain belief in your abilities.

  • Conviction. We end each session with a commitment to action on your clear next steps.

45-minutes: $130

Best for tune-ups from past coaching intensives or ad hoc sessions that focus on a specific issue or action plan.

90-minutes: $250

Best for deeper reflection, analysis, and collaborative development of action plans that address the challenges you are seeking our help with. accelerating results.

Custom Coaching Intensive

This service is best when you have an intense goal, whether its regaining focus on all aspects of your life, making a job change, or otherwise accelerating the timeframe to achieve your goal. This service is not a ‘one-size-fits-most.’ It is truly crafted to fit your needs. Highlighted features to this service include:

  • Tailored proposal to fit your goals and needs.

  • Extended discovery process to ensure the scope of your needs are thoroughly examined. ‘Measure twice, cut once.’

  • Project plan with clear goals, timeline, resources, and action plans.

  • Access to a secure client portal where we will house collaborative resources, notes from sessions, etc.

  • Receive continuous active support between sessions (collaboration on portal, text check-ins, etc.).

  • As the intensive winds down, you will receive a summary report which includes tips for maintaining your progress, recommended resources and strategies for continued improvement against your broader goals. This is a resource for you, not an attempt to sell you on further coaching services.

During the free initial consultation, we can evaluate if this path makes sense for your needs. If so, we’ll deliver you an initial proposal that we will refine prior to engagement.